The Best Reuben Balls Recipe

This is the best Rueben Balls recipe you will find, and these are the best balls you will ever put in your mouth.  Not hyperbole. Recently I made Baked Reuben Dip as part of a Vikings Game Day Appetizer series (Go Vikes and Skol!!) and had half a jar of sauerkraut leftover. Because no one eats just sauerkraut I wanted to do something to use

The Best Reuben Balls Recipe2018-01-21T16:49:51-06:00

I’d Like To Interrupt Your Winter

With a little bit of summer. These were taken at the cabin last summer. I miss summer. I was reminded of the cabin last night when I read this post on Theta Mom. I wrote a comment that turned into a post. It was way too long for a comment so I scrapped it and wrote something a little shorter. Theta Mom was talking about

I’d Like To Interrupt Your Winter2010-02-11T11:43:33-06:00

The Holiday Treats Are Ready

I have spent the whole weekend baking. I have been so busy baking that I was only able to listen to Armageddon on the TV. Except when I was rolling out the Bourbon Balls, I could do that in front of the television. I seriously need to get a life. I can recite almost all the dialog for that movie. It's pathetic really. My son

The Holiday Treats Are Ready2009-12-06T14:37:46-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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