My local paper is looking for RNC Hotties. I would love to include a link but the Pioneer Press doesn’t have anything about the hottie search on its general webpage. On its e-edition, where one can look at the actual paper online, one must have a subscription. I have one but cannot seem to create a valid username and password. I love this paper and I understand why they want subscribers only to be able to view their paper but it is irritating none the less.
Anyway, they are looking for Hotties. Republican hotties. If you know of any you can email with a picture, name, and why “he or she makes people blush”.
I don’t know where the editor was when they decided on this project but he or she must have been on vacation or coming off medication when it came over their desk.
Having the RNC in my town is still an honor but I am getting tired of the whole thing. Currently they are cleaning up the practice freeway between downtown and the Mall of America and the Airport. They have repaved it which was much needed and now they are relandscaping the middle barrier. It is beautiful but they are closing it down to one lane with no warning before entering the chaos.
I guess by trying to find hotties it is just one more way to spruce up our town. I suppose we didn’t have enough good looking people so they need to find more to complete the makeover of our fine city.
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