Say what you want about Obama and his health care bill. I’m just glad to see that Emmanual Lewis has recovered from the death of Michael Jackson and has found an even more famous black man to hang onto.
Say what you want about Obama and his health care bill. I’m just glad to see that Emmanual Lewis has recovered from the death of Michael Jackson and has found an even more famous black man to hang onto.
LMAO! Are you sure that isn’t Gary Coleman?
.-= Paul´s last blog ..You Can’t Fool Your Mother =-.
I thought that was Tiger Woods!
.-= Katherine´s last blog ..I Am Going To Adopt Jamie Oliver =-.
Ahhaha AHHAHHAH ahahhaah HAHAHA hahahhaha
OMG Jen. This is hysterical.
[and yes, that IS what my real laugh sounds like]
.-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..Doing Things Differently™’ – My Week In Review [Part Seven] =-.
Paul: I thought he was too busy having seizures.
Katherine: There aren’t enough women in the picture and I don’t think even Tiger would do Nancy.
Meleah: Ha!
I’m sure Tiger wouldn’t do Nancy. Bwahahahahahaha. 🙂
.-= Comedy Plus´s last blog ..Awww…Mondays #57 =-.
Good for Biraq to do an in your face at the signing with the orphaned jigaboo from Seattle. Maybe now Rush will do what he promised and move to Costa Rica where there’s a season on his kind.
Now that the head nigra has shown he the nads to stare down the open carry teabaggers, I’m for phase two of rounding them up and keeping them in pens so we can harvest some of that delicious fat.
@Dr: you know, that makes the best soap!!
@Jen: Hey, if Nancy had a cheap porno movie in her past (she is from California after all) all bets are off.
BTW, you are funny as hell…I am glad to see that you are in better spirits!
13 hours and you recovered from hitting the wall? You are a superhero…I want to be Jen when I grow up!
Like that’ll ever happen 🙂
.-= Nicky´s last blog ..Cheese In The News =-.
Oh for chrissakes, I really thought that was Emmanuel Lewis.
I’m either going back to bed or getting another cup of coffee.
.-= Christine´s last blog ..When a Black Bear turns into a Grizzly =-.
He’s only there because I believe ‘dwarfism’ is a pre-existing condition and will now be covered.
.-= moooooog35´s last blog ..Wrapping up the Week – March 21, 2010 =-.
HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! You kill me!!!!
JEN – that was so motherfucking FUNNY, I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.-= Ian´s last blog ..Getting to know you, the 3/23/2010 edition, plus an award for Kato =-.
Sadly, that may be the only thing about this healthcare bill that is worth being excited about.
.-= The Mother´s last blog ..The Last Supper =-.
I just pissed myself.
Comedy Plus: Nope, even Tiger has standards.
Dr. Faustroll: Ummm….
Seejames: Thanks, I am feeling better. Your response to the Doctor was much better than mine.
Nicky: Sometimes things like this just drop out of the sky.
Christine: You are going to need a lot of coffee now that this thing has been signed, actually going back to bed might be the wiser choice.
Moooog: I hope it’s covered now.
MrsBlogalot: Thanks, sometimes I get lucky.
Ian: I love that you don’t hold back when you are here!
Mother: It is. This thing is going to have so many bad side effects the not the least of which is that we won’t have the great doctors we have been used to anymore. Get ready people, the diplomas on the wall of the only doctors willing to practice medicine will now come from over seas. I hear those Caribbean medical schools are awesome.
Candice: Sorry, I think Jayne,, has some Depends. They only fit size 4 asses but something is better than nothing.
I hope he got one of the 22 pens Obama used to sign this!
.-= Joe Cap´s last blog ..Special Effects in the Dark =-.
We better enjoy the laugh now because the lawsuits are a-comin’. Oh how ugly it will be.
.-= Buggys´s last blog ..Judge Douchbag ? =-.
i needed to laugh, thanks!!!!
.-= love2eatinpa´s last blog ..Guest Post from Jack Sh*t! =-.
I love you Jen. Truly love you!
.-= Linda Medrano´s last blog ..The Flock of Seagulls "Do" =-.
.-= Lee the Hot flash queen´s last blog ..My Husband is so oDD =-.
Hey there Jen,
I didn’t notice Webster until you mentioned him! HAHAHAHA!
.-= Metallman´s last blog ..Women and Their Love for Bags =-.
.-= SuziCate´s last blog ..The Card He Didn’t Buy =-.
At first, when I saw the title of this post, I cringed because of all the talk about this bill…and then, of course…when I read it I was laughing my rear off. Silly me…
.-= MandyP´s last blog .."Not Me" Monday! =-.
This Obama needed that laugh and how!!! Oh man! That was priceless. You need to send that in to SNL for their weekend update! Yo!
.-= joann Mannix´s last blog ..The Superficial Beliefs I Live My Life By =-.
Good Lord, I can’t write or speak today. I didn’t mean this Obama, like I was Obama. I meant to say this Obama health care hoopla. Cause one often forgets 3 important words in a row when writing. I might as well give up.
.-= joann Mannix´s last blog ..The Superficial Beliefs I Live My Life By =-.
Joe: I tried to write my name with a different pen for each letter just to see what it looked like. A case might be made that based on the signature it was forged.
Buggys: It will indeed get ugly.
love2eatinpa: You are very welcome. I hope your day is going better.
Linda: I love you too.
Lee: I’ve been reading the comments on Jayne’s blog, and I read it as Laughing My Fat Ass Off. You can thank Mike,, for that.
Metallman: I watched the whole thing unfold and never got an explanation for why he was there. What’s the deal?
SuzieCate:If it’s a size 4 I’ll just be pissed off.
Mandy: I didn’t vote for him so I can make fun of him all I want. The next three years are going to be fun.
Joann: I know what you were trying to say, now that you have explained it but it still doesn’t make sense. Wanna try again? Cuz God know I would, over and over.
Oh, dear. I see that your larger-than-size-4-ass has spilled over from Jayne’s blog to your blog, despite all the ass-shrinking laughter that this post has elicited from your readers, so of whom apparently also have larger-than-size-4-asses, and appreciate the workout.
.-= MikeWJ at TooManyMornings´s last blog ..Oublier Jamais! =-.
P.S. — At least you’re really cracking people up.
.-= MikeWJ at TooManyMornings´s last blog ..Oublier Jamais! =-.