I received a curious package in the mail the other day. My best friend sent me a package with the words Happy Birthday written on the back of it. My birthday was in January. My best friend and I are six months to the day apart in age and when we were kids we celebrated half birthdays. I know she knows when my birthday is but it has been years, actually decades since we actually did more than call to wish the other Happy Birthday.
So I was pleasantly surprised to receive this package. Inside the envelope was a copy of Live Aid. A set of four DVDs worth of footage from that event 24 years ago. I was 19 when the event was televised live on July 13th 1985. According to Joan Baez Live Aid was my generation’s Woodstock.
I suppose to some degree it was. However as children of the 80’s my generation was far too self involved to really understand that assessment. We were much more concerned with big hair and brightly colored pants to be too concerned with world hunger. Luckily Bob Geldoff wasn’t.
Don’t worry I’m not going to go all political on anyone.
I do remember where I was when the concerts were televised that day in July. I was lying on my bosses bed with a few other co-workers. We had just wrapped up working a string of two week long festivals selling balloons. We had actually watched several of the bands who performed for Live Aid at the festivals we were working. Selling balloons doesn’t sound all that hard, and it isn’t, but there were many long nights and lots of partying involved. By the time the concert was being aired we were all wiped out.
I loved the 80’s. Coming of age at that particular time was a lot of fun and the economic world we lived in was not much different than it is today. I’m looking forward to this generations contribution to their decade. I hope big hair comes back as well as shoulder pads. The music was fun and not nearly as depressing as the music that was ushered in by Curt Cobain and all his depressed buddies. Today’s music seems to be beginning to climb out of depressing lyrics but there are still a lot of depressed artists around. Would someone please get The Frey’s lead singer some Zoloft?
If you haven’t seen Live Aid since it originally aired do yourself a favor and rent the videos. Looking at the styles we wore at that time is worth the price alone. The artists, most of them, are young and while probably fired up on a lot of coke, since it was cheaper than pot in the 80’s, look vibrant. Of course we now have that wonder that is Botox so all of the artists with the exception of Madonna, Ozzy Osbourne and Michael Jackson, look the same today. Their hair was a bit longer but really they look the same.
Bono was still not too cool for the rest of us and you can actually see his eyes since he hadn’t adopted the permanent shades yet. Sting looked as though he bathed and Kenny Rogers still looked like Kenny Rogers.
I suspect at some point today’s crop of pop stars will have something like Live Aid. They have to and soon. The 90’s had Lilith Fair, we had Live Aid, the boomers had Woodstock. Hanna Montana has a little over a year to pull something big together. I’d like to make snarky comments about the current crop of pop stars and that they have little to no talent but they are no different than the group that performed that day in 1985. Remember Hall and Oates, Huey Lewis, Simple Minds? All these guys were probably just as contrived as the Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus. It’s all about money baby.
The 80’s were IT! Have you seen The Wrestler? Now, I’m more a child of the 90s than the 80s, but there’s this great scene with Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei in a bar and Ratt comes on the jukebox. They reminisce about the 80s and then Rourke just says, “ah, the 90s sucked.”
I haven’t seen it but I hear it is really good. I’ll check it out when it’s On Demand.
Sigh. I loved the 80’s too–still do. I keep hoping it all comes back. I loved big hair, giant t-shirts that read “Frankie says RELAX”, The Police, shoulder pads, etc.–I love it all. I was standing up for a wedding one of the days of Live Aid, and we watched in the Limo on the way to the church. I remember thinking I’d rather be watching Live Aid than being stuck in the stupid wedding! They just don’t have music like those days!!
Oooh Oooh Oooh! Durrrrrrran Durrrrran. *sigh* 🙂
Now you’ve made me feel left out.
I was too young for Woodstock, and in my residency during Live Aid (we saw portions of it on television from the ER).
What’s wrong with my generation? Did we just fall through the cracks?
We are the World!
Kum – bi – ya, y’all
Big hair…maybe. Shoulder Pads? No way, I’m happey to be rid of them. The music of the 80’s is still my favorite and my kids are too little to know it’s old school, lol.
I love my Live Aid DVDs! My favorites are U2, Ultravox, Boomtown Rats, and Howard Jones. And, and, and.
I was in Ireland when Live Aid was televised, and my boyfriend and I had to watch it in a bar because our TV was broke.
Good times.
(My mother-in-law celebrates half-birthdays, too, but she never got me anything as cool as the Live Aid DVDs.)
ahhhhhh the 80’s . . . I remember what I was doing for Live Aid . . . we had a weekend-long party . . . those were the days 🙂
My favorite performance was from the Cars . . . they were awesome!!
Live Aid was the best concert ever!