Daughter: What can you buy for $5?
Me: I don’t know, do you have $5?
Daughter: No, but I will when I win the Trix Yogurt prize under the lid.
Me: We don’t have Trix Yogurt.
Daughter: We could go buy some with the $5 I’m going to win.
## Before I was able to post this she asked me this.
Daughter: Mom, how many seconds has it been?
Me: Since what?
Daughter: I don’t know.
Me: 30
Daughter: I ate my cookie in 30 seconds, did I win anything?
Me: Like what?
Daughter: $5
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Is she going for the annoy mom until she gives it to me? Because, I’m thinking that might work here.
God to be that age again…
Thanks for posting my button!
.-= injaynesworld´s last blog ..injaynesworld it’s "Sunday Recap Time…" =-.
So funny!
Buggys: If I gave her $5 every time she asked me a question she would be rich beyond belief and I would be extremely broke. She’d have her college paid for in one evening.
Jayne: Sorry it took me so long.
Stephanie: It’s much funnier from your perspective.
So I guess she did not get the $5? 🙂
And people wonder why guys don’t think women are good with money.
She seems very focused. While it may drive you nuts now, it will be a good quality when she is grown.
BK: Nope
Mooog: At least she was thinking about practical items to buy with her money. If she were a boy I’m sure she would have thought a good buy would be a flat screen tv.
Anne: Yes she is focused and it does drive me nuts how driven she is when she wraps her brain on an idea however I agree with you it will serve her well in the future, or she will have a horrible gambling problem.
Determined, eh?
Glad you got your google on!
.-= Pricilla´s last blog ..Happy Blogoversary to Me! =-.
This is SO FUNNY. Can I post it on my site for five dollars? lol!
This reminds me of a story a friend told me yesterday. He has a foot problem for which his doctor recommends he stick his foot in a pan of freezing cold water, add ICE and then let it sit in there for five whole minutes. While doing this, his daughter told him what a baby he was over the pain. He bet her ten dollars she couldn’t do it. She did. And she texted her friends the whole time about what a weenie her dad is.
Your kid is brilliant.
.-= Junk Drawer Kathy´s last blog ..Texting from 20 Feet Away =-.