That was sarcasm in case your immature brain doesn’t recognize it.
Thanks for hacking my website. It took me a few days and many desperate emails and phone calls to figure out what you did and then undo it. Thanks for stealing so much of my time that I don’t have to spare.
What happened
This dumbass got into my site using the Pilcrow theme for WordPress. I am not sure if the theme itself is hacked, was designed to open a back door or what the hell was going on but there is a mess of code in the index code which allowed someone to break into my site cause scary errors to many people who visited my site. If you are using the Pilcrow theme and get the warning HTML:IFrame-PF[Trj] you should save yourself lots of time and just find a new theme. After you delete the added code in the index. I had to call Bluehost to do this and they were fantastic, as usual. Thank you Bluehost and Carl for such wonderful customer service, you are awesome!
I don’t speak teenage-boy-who-can’t-get-laid-geek and I certainly can’t imagine how you think but I would really love to know why you did this to me. Did you even know you did this to me? What do you get out of this?
What the fuck is wrong with people?
What should have happened instead
Clearly you have some mad coding skills, what I can’t understand is why you don’t use those skills for good rather than evil. And make no mistake, it was evil that you did.
Can’t you do something more productive with your time? Damn, if I had your coding skills I would be changing the world for the better not making it worse for people like me who already have too much to do, not enough time and not enough brain power.
You could take your mad coding skills and discover the cure for cancer, or at least write a program that could do that. You could create jobs and get people back to work. You can do so much with the power you wield and yet you choose to make other’s lives more difficult.
Shame on you.
My makeover will continue but I need to find a new theme and I am busy planning a graduation party, getting ready for back to school (thirteen days and counting!) and all the other stuff that goes with my job and just running the house. Oh, and I got another bunny, so that takes time too. See, I haven’t had the time to post about any of this and some hacker thinks I have time to fix his little joke.
Shame on you again.
I got many nasty warnings when I tried to enter your blog. They scared me. I do not want a virus. I had one once and I had to get shots. I don’t like shots.
Damn. That sucks ass.
If it’s any consolation, you’re cute and your boobs look perky in your blog header. Please tell me you’re keeping it.
I’m not sure redheadranting truely captures your mood today.
How ’bout redheadRAGING?
You’re not wrong, though. There’s a lot of people with ‘mad skillz’ that don’t know what to do with them. Idle hands… (are the devil’s playthings)
Welcome back Jen. You kick ass.
I really don’t want to be the one to tell you this. I know you got rid of the theme and the code, but when I came here, Norton told me it blocked a web attack, called a Blackhole Toolkit. I’m sorry. Please still love me.
That is definitely evil! I wonder what they are lacking to need to gain their power this way? It’s probably the only time they feel important in their sad little lives.
Hackers are cyberbullies and codeophiles and should be severely punished by taking away their acne cream.
hackers are PURE evil. I’m so sorry this happened to you. What a nightmare.
My server was recently hacked, AGAIN. My hosting company can’t keep them out. FRUSTRATING. Google sent me an EMAIL saying my sites would be blocked and I had to put in a re-inclusion request… GRRRRR!
I liked the article on FB but I do NOT like what happened to you. So sorry!!!
It’s been too long since I read your blog. Well I’m sure you would agree. It’s been too long since you left a comment on mine.
I was going back through old posts and saw some comments from you and thought to check on your successful blog. You had ever right to rant (right to rant – is that in the bill of rights?). I think hacking for some is like shop lifting. It’s just the thrill. But of course id theft and money are there too. No matter what people create, some idiot will misuse it. “speak teenage-boy-who-can’t-get-laid-geek” – who would want to?
“Mr. Potato Head, MR. POTATO HEAD! Back doors are NOT secrets!”
Thanks for posting that pic with your post! Love that movie! And as far as being able to speak teenage-boy-who-can’t-get-laid-geek, while I probably could at one time, I only know one really good hack. I’ve been afraid to try it because 1.) It’s morally wrong–I work in the biz, and if someone did it to my site, I’d have to hate them. And 2.) Most of sites that were vulnerable, were government sites!
Hackers suck.
Visiting here after a long break. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I’m not sure I get all the details of what happened; good thing you have an understanding. While my blog has never been hacked, it was jacked-up for a month. I lost my entire media library, all my links, my e-mail systems attached to it were totally screwed up, my spam filter stopped working and spam was all over the place, and I could go on. But I won’t. I almost quit blogging over the whole thing. I just didn’t have the energy to put it all back together for a long, long time.