Charlie Sheen, Charlie Sheen trainwreck, Charlie Sheen interview with TMZ, Charlie Sheen gnarly, bitchin', epic,

Break out your big hair and head bands, Charlie Sheen is on a mission to bring back gnarly, bitchin’ and epic. In interviews from The Today Show, TMZ and ABC, Charlie laced his rants with 80s catchword favorites.

When asked what he hoped his kids would take away from his drug use when they read about it later, Sheen said

I hope they say “Dad, fill in the blanks, this shit is gnarly, this shit is epic.”

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Other awesomely bitchin’ quotes from Charlie

The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning.

They lay down with their ugly wives and their ugly children and just look at their loser lives and then they look at me and say “I CAN’T PROCESS IT,” well, no, you never will, just stop trying. Sit back and enjoy the show

I’m not Thomas Jefferson. He was a pussy.

Read behind the frickin’ hieroglyphics…this is cryptology. I hope they would see that not all of this is totally serious, there is a reason I have mad success in comedy.

I  don’t have burnout my gearbox. I just go.

Sorry my life is so much more bitchin’ than yours. I planned it that way.

I am on a drug, it’s called Charlie Sheen.

Yuu can’t process me with a normal brain

I’m tired of pretending like I’m not special, Like I’m not a bitchin’ rockstar from mars.

I have tiger blood and Adonis DNA

Defeat is not an option, CBS picked a fight with a warlock.


Come Wednesday morning, they’re going to rename it Charlie Bros, and not Warner Bros.

Duh, winning!

Charlie Sheen – the gift that keeps on giving

This is part of the Charlie “Rock Star from Mars” Sheen Blog Carnival, please be sure to visit all the participants

Charlie Sheen VS Muammar Gaddafi

I am Charlie, I’m a Bore

Charlie Sheen Bumper Stickers

Crazy? Or Crazy Like a Fox?

I Will Not Write About Charlie Sheen

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