Did This is Us Live Up to the Hype?

What do you think, did This is Us live up to the hype? Was it even possible to live up to all the hype that had been created for the beloved show?  Before we go on, there are spoilers in this post. If you haven't seen last night's episode of This is Us, back out and read something else. Okay, now that that's out of

Did This is Us Live Up to the Hype?2018-02-05T20:21:15-06:00

Some Thoughts on the Super Bowl

Now that it's over, everyone can go home. Obviously, I have some thoughts on the Super Bowl and all the surrounding festivities and celebrations that took place in the Twin Cities metro area. Some Thoughts on the Super Bowl First and foremost, it was pretty awesome. The weather couldn't have been better. Sure, it was cold and it snowed a few inches, but that's what

Some Thoughts on the Super Bowl2018-02-05T12:41:08-06:00

An Invitation to Dinner for Jimmy Fallon

So apparently Jimmy Fallon is inviting himself to dine with some Minnesotans while he's here for his live Tonight Show following the Super Bowl. He's not from here so he wouldn't know that we don't just invite ourselves over to someone's house for dinner. In fact, we have to be invited a minimum of three times before we can accept anything.  However, this is a

An Invitation to Dinner for Jimmy Fallon2018-02-01T13:27:57-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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