My Mother Passed Away

Every January I get a bee in my bonnet about starting to blog again. This year was no different and I wrote two whole posts before I stopped writing. I was fired up about accountability and Cancel Culture. I still am, but no one else seems too concerned so it's like screaming into the wind. I had every intention of blogging more - I was

My Mother Passed Away2021-09-21T13:55:46-05:00

Thursdays with Mom

I usually go out and visit my mother on Thursdays. I do this because by the time Thursday rolls around I have some free time and am not rushed while visiting. I've also worked through most of the challenges of my week and am in a better place mentally to spend time with her. Visiting my mother has been a crapshoot for years. She's been

Thursdays with Mom2019-02-28T20:11:19-06:00

Dementia is a Soul Sucking Fiend

Dementia is a soul sucking fiend, there is just no way around that fact. My mother had dementia and it just keeps getting worse and worse. Which is of course what it would do. Dementia doesn't get better. It just keeps getting worse. My mother suffered brain damage from anoxia back in 1970, she was 29, (you can read more about her demetia here and

Dementia is a Soul Sucking Fiend2018-05-16T14:16:45-05:00

Traveling with Dad – London

Next week will be ten years since my father unexpectedly passed away. No one really saw it coming and when it happened it happened quickly. I miss my father very much. More than anything I miss traveling with dad. But, we had issues. I've written about him many times over the years and it if you didn't know him you might wonder how I could

Traveling with Dad – London2016-09-20T20:46:56-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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