I am a freelance writer, a single mom to two children and I care for my aging mother. I am the meat of the sandwich generation. I am always looking for great quality products which might be useful to someone who is so busy.
I am especially interested in reviewing any cruises or vacation packages. Especially the ones that don’t include children.
Your product or service is a good fit for Redhead Ranting if it relates to parenting older children (We’ve been out of diapers for a few years now), motherhood, managing the household, pets, and caring for elderly parents. I wholeheartedly welcome any product/service that saves time or my sanity.
If you feel that your product or service would be a good fit with Redhead Ranting then please email me at jen[at]redheadranting.com. Please include the name of your company and the product you wish me to review in the subject of the email.