I Can’t Write 1700 Words a Day

I don't know what I was thinking when I pledged to write 1700 words every day during November. I was coming off my Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop and really thought I could do it. I can't. I can't write 1700 words a day. I've got too many other things going on that need to be addressed NOW, that by the time I get to writing

I Can’t Write 1700 Words a Day2022-11-10T09:53:50-06:00

Two Birds, One Toyota Rav4

This last week I killed not one, but two birds with my brand new Rav4. Ok, it's not actually brand new, I bought it last year, but it didn't have any dings in it yet so I still considered it brand new. Not even a shopping cart (trolley for you Brits) ding! That all changed when I was driving south on highway 61 leaving Grand

Two Birds, One Toyota Rav42022-11-02T20:14:26-05:00

1700 Words – Day 1

I've tried this before, and I'm pretty sure I petered out after a week or less, but I'm going to try again to write every day for the month of November. It is of course, Nanowrimo or National Novel Writing Month. I'm not trying to write a novel, I just want to get back into the habit of writing regularly. It's been months since I

1700 Words – Day 12022-11-01T16:19:57-05:00

Minnesota Nice

After at least 15 bazillion titles I have finally settled on Minnesota Nice as the title of my memoir. According to Wikipedia Minnesota Nice is: the stereotypical behavior of people born and raised in Minnesota, to be courteous, reserved, and mild-mannered. The cultural characteristics of Minnesota nice include a polite friendliness, an aversion to confrontation, a tendency toward understatement, a disinclination to make a fuss or stand out,

Minnesota Nice2020-08-10T19:52:57-05:00

This Ain’t No Highlight Reel

Be warned, this ain't no highlight reel. My friend Kathy, from The Junk Drawer, posted a video on Facebook this morning. Kathy tends to post more cats and stuff from Reddit than sports so I figured there must be more to it than sports. The video is an interview with Nick Foles after winning the Super Bowl where he offers some inspiring words of advice.

This Ain’t No Highlight Reel2018-02-06T13:29:27-06:00


When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Right? That's what we're told. And yet, turning something bad into something good inevitably pisses someone off. I've been working diligently on being more positive and trying really hard to not wallow in the crap. That's a difficult thing for me to do - not wallow. I let things get to me when they shouldn't.  Lately my life


Let’s Talk about 13 Reasons Why

By now you've heard all the hype about the Netflix series, so let's talk about 13 Reasons Why, shall we? This is about my 5th attempt at writing about the show, and it probably won't be my last.  Before we go any further **** Major Spoiler Alert**** don't read anymore if you haven't seen it and don't want to know what happens. 13 Reasons Why

Let’s Talk about 13 Reasons Why2017-04-28T17:02:28-05:00

Compliment Freely

Do you compliment freely? Which do you do more often - compliment or criticize? The consensus seems to be that we are in a hand basket on our way to hell. It doesn't matter where you look, people jump on each other for saying or doing anything, even with the best of intentions.  Here are just a few recent examples of companies and people that

Compliment Freely2017-04-25T19:31:42-05:00

Trying Something New – Blogging

I blog professionally. I manage and write for 20 + blogs and websites and I follow pretty strict rules about SEO. I ALWAYS create posts that are at least 300 words. I always use the proper keyword density along with title tags, alt tag, headings, etc. The problem is, it makes for crappy writing sometimes, or at least less interesting writing.  One of the biggest

Trying Something New – Blogging2017-03-28T10:43:44-05:00

A Little Song, A Little Dance, A Little Seltzer Down Your Pants

This past week Mary Tyler Moore passed away. The first thing that popped into my head, upon learning of her passing, was "A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants". That was the phrase from the eulogy of Chuckles the Clown that got Mary giggling during his funeral. If you've never seen it, you can see the scene here, it's hilarious even

A Little Song, A Little Dance, A Little Seltzer Down Your Pants2017-01-28T10:24:12-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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