Last month I wrote more posts than I ever have in one month, this month I’ve hit the wall. It’s not really writer’s block, I just don’t know what to write about.
I guess that is writer’s block.
Last month was great because of the inauguration and so many blunders going forward. This month, I’m sort of over the whole thing already.
Tempers have sort of cooled on social media, which is good. At least for me it is. I know many people don’t think that attitude is productive, and they may be right. I’m just tired of all the bickering and name calling.
That might have something to do with me hitting the wall too.
Where does that phrase even come from? Isn’t it a runners thing? Yes it is. Apparently hitting the wall refers to a sudden loss of energy in a long distance race.
So, yeah.
Hitting the wall brings a whole new meaning when you are in a car.