Siri has been worth every penny!
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Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).
OMG, what is it and where do I get one?! Please don’t tell me it’s an iPhone App… I can’t love an iPhone App. It’s an iPhone App, isn’t it? Could you ask it to now kill me please?
It is part of the new iPhone 4s. It is most awesome and I love her. I have asked her to marry me, she has said she can’t.
Will she at least vibrate for you?
Yes, Siri is a tramp, she will indeed vibrate for me.
If you shhhhh her, she gets a little pissed but she does shut up.
I was going to say the knock knock joke was the best until I found, “I need to hide a body.”
And yet she has nothing to say about Santa. Makes you think those boys in Cupertino are a little messed up.
Of all the luck…My phone died so I got a regular iPhone just last Monday…didn’t upgrade to the new since there is a month wait or something ridiculous. Now I feel like I missed the boat with Siri. I could have so much fun with her. Love your new Siri!
Oh, I don’t want to know all this! I so want a 4s but I only recently got my iPhone 4 so will have to wait some time before I can justify an upgrade 🙁
They will have iPhone 5 soon enough so you can skip this one and just get that one when the time comes. It is so worth it. Siri is too much fun and one of these days I am sure she will be useful. The camera is amazing, the whole reason I bought it really.
I must admit I wanted it mostly for the camera and video. I use both a lot (for blogging purposes) so would love an even better quality. I think you’re right. The iPhone 5 may well be the way to go. I feel better about it now 🙂
[…] else really mattered after that. The phone is beautiful and iOS7 is awesome. Siri is better with even more witty repartee and the camera actually takes pictures that don’t turn everyone into a green eyed alien. […]