Because this song has been stuck in my head all weekend I thought it only considerate that I share it with you. See if you can guess what it is.
Da daa da da, da da da da da da, da da da, da da daaaaa, da da da da da da da da da da da, da da-da daaa da dum.
That’s the from the Volkswagon commercial. Da Da Da by Trio.
Sorry Lola you are wrong. It’s from the ’80s.
Father Figure by George Michael
Is it by Devo?
It’s not Father Figure or a tune by Devo but all are good guesses now that I think about it.
Think big shoulder pads.
I am a musically challenged goat so I am not going to guess. It is a shame I cannot post photos though. I could truly cause shame to the publicist…
Like a Virgin?
… and all I ever knew, only you.
Could you be a little more specific?
There are no words to this theme song. That’s two clues in one.
Song for Guy
It’s the A-Team!!
Ken, I have no idea what that is. Is it a theme song?
Dizz, you are very warm.
Are you serious?!
Okay, let me think: from the ’80’s…
big shoulder pads… TV theme song —
Is it… DYNASTY???
DALLAS! That was the one I trying to think of.. the I got stuck on A Team! But it’s DALLAS! My mom used to watch it religiously
I’m sure it’s The Love Boat. I’d recognize that da dum anywhere.
It’s the theme song from S.W.A.T., isn’t it?
Dizzblnd, you are absolutely right! Of course now I have swimming in my head the theme from the A-Team, The Love Boat (which I’m sure will be with me for the next few days)as well as Father Figure. I can’t remember the theme song from S.W.A.T but you can bet I’ll ask the Google.
Thanks everyone for playing it was a lot of fun.
Hmmm, I was totally off. I thought it was a wedding processional. As in
Here comes the bride…
I saw it was guessed already, but I would have guessed it was either the theme from Batman, or In Da Gadda Da Vida.
Huh! I was going to guess Master of Puppets, by Metallica. That would have been…way off.