It’s been two days without wine and chocolate and so far it’s not so bad.
That’s a lie. It is bad but not because I can’t have wine or chocolate but because I have learned that I use wine and/or chocolate like I did cigarettes. I can handle the stresses of the day because I know at the end of the day I’m going to have a glass of wine and a few pieces of chocolate and that makes getting through the stress possible. I don’t need to wine or chocolate during the stress but knowing they are going to happen makes the stress bearable.
It’s bad because I have to deal with the stress and because I’m not having the wine I’m actually not eating the extra calories so I am hungry. Not real hunger, mind you, but hunger that my body uses to get me to eat junk.
I’m tired and cold and I have a headache and I know if I were to eat something sweet (like chocolate) I’d get rid of all those side effects of not eating garbage. The ironic thing is that I don’t feel hungry in my stomach. It’s all emotional and psychological.
Very interesting, Jen!
So is it also time to be working on stress management, self care, problem ownership, saying no, living one day at a time, etc?
It will be interesting to see what you discover. You seem to be so tuned in.
Hey Jen!! I wish I had a substitute for wine and chocolate for ya! I’d say sex, but, yeah, not even close right?