Does Santa Really Exist?

Does Santa exist? My daughter still believes in Santa. I don't know why, she has been told by classmates that he isn't real and has asked me for the truth to which I have answered. She is not letting go of the myth of Santa. She refuses to consider any of the inconsistencies and doesn't want to talk logic. Funny thing is, we don't go to

Does Santa Really Exist?2011-12-20T05:57:51-06:00

Christmas Blues

I was just thinking to myself yesterday that wow, we're half way through December and I'm feeling pretty good. I'm not sad, not angry, not scared to death to face the end of one more year of my life even though all the changes I promised myself I would make last year haven't happened. I was on top of things. In fact my

Christmas Blues2010-12-16T19:02:18-06:00

Just in Time for Christmas…Holiday Depression

I was blazing through the season.  I put up my lights and started decorating the house for the holidays, I watched animated Christmas specials from the 70's with my six year old, and enjoyed them more than she did. I baked and baked. And then I hit the wall. I don't know what happened except that the reality of the season probably took over. I

Just in Time for Christmas…Holiday Depression2009-12-11T21:35:25-06:00

My Traditional Christmas Whine

It didn't turn out like I hoped it would and it didn't turn out like I thought it would. It was much worse. But it started off really good. Christmas is not my favorite time of year. I love the holiday and I love seeing my kids on Christmas morning. I complain about my family but they are mine and I do love them and

My Traditional Christmas Whine2008-12-25T18:07:00-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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