Free Kindle Book by Minnesota Mystery Writer Mike Faricy: Chow for Now

Want to discover a great new mystery writer from MN? Then be sure to download Chow For Now by Mike Faricy. Not only is the book an incredibly fun read but it’s free this weekend only. Mike is a local Minnesota author. Minnesota is home to many varied writers, some of the more notable writers from Minnesota who have had success are F. Scott Fitzgerald, Garrison Keillor

Free Kindle Book by Minnesota Mystery Writer Mike Faricy: Chow for Now2012-02-17T13:20:40-06:00

I Suck at Mario Kart for the Wii

My daughter got a Wii for Christmas. Actually she got two Wiis. One at home and one at her dad's. This means she can be practicing these games all the time which means if I want to compete with her I have to practice all the time. And I don't have time for that. Last night we played Mario Kart for hours, both of us

I Suck at Mario Kart for the Wii2012-01-16T05:02:00-06:00

Wii Fit

I want one, I have looked everywhere to find one and there are none. There are none in real stores and there are none online unless I want to pay three times what they are worth and I don't. The day after Christmas there will be gobs of them in stores and online. I'm willing to wait since it's for me anyway.Why can't Nintendo make

Wii Fit2008-12-14T10:51:00-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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