How Big Is Your Condom?

Today I stopped at Walgreen's to pick up a prescription. I have a thyroid disorder, I take a synthetic hormone replacement. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease when I was 18 or 19. The dose has rarely changed except after the birth of each of my children. I take one pill each morning and never think about it again. When I stopped at Walgreen's to

How Big Is Your Condom?2009-10-26T19:48:19-05:00

Day 6

It's day 6 of summer vacation and within the first hour I heard the dreaded "Mom, I'm bored". So far we have gone to the library, though we haven't actually read any of the books, we have camped in the back yard and we have been to the park 8 times. I'm the designated mom on the block where all the kids hang out. I'm

Day 62009-06-17T07:34:00-05:00

Two Teenagers Walk Into Walgreens…

I'm in Walgreen's picking up band aids and razor blades, ironically, when I hear two teenage girls talking in the seasonal aisle. They are looking at all the Easter candy and toys. The first girl says to the second girl. "This looks like so much fun, I have Easter envy." The second girl has this confused look on her face and says "What? Jews don't

Two Teenagers Walk Into Walgreens…2020-07-10T20:25:38-05:00

Can someone explain it to me?

It's Monday and I have a question that I must find the answer to: Why do stores such as Walgreen's and CVS put razor blades in locked display cases? I don't get this. I can buy condoms, personal lubricants, I can by all sorts of medications, I can purchase $30.00 exfoliating cream but I have to get an assistant (or "team member", that's a later

Can someone explain it to me?2020-07-10T20:29:49-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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