Dr. Laura and the N Word

Image via Wikipedia The internet and the cable news channels have been all aflutter over the apparent racist rant of talk show radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger. In a nutshell Dr. Laura had a caller on her show who was offended that her husband's friends used the N word around her. The caller is black and her husband is white. You can listen to the

Dr. Laura and the N Word2010-08-13T12:48:55-05:00

It’s Time For Me To Get A Life

It is yet another Friday night. The daughter is with her dad and the boy is out with friends. I'm watching Independence Day for the 354 time this winter. If I weren't watching Independence Day I would be watching Die Hard or Armageddon. All great movies if you like that kind of thing but I've seen them enough this winter. I need a date. I

It’s Time For Me To Get A Life2009-03-13T19:06:00-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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