Who Wrote the Book of Love?

Who wrote the book of love? I'll tell you who did. Joseph Szenasi wrote it. Actually he wrote The Book of Love: A Practical Guide to Creating the Relationship You Want. This is a great book for anyone who wants to understand their partner better and understand themselves better. It's an easy to read  and easy to understand book about the human heart. This handy

Who Wrote the Book of Love?2013-06-03T07:53:48-05:00

I’ve Decided To Have Another Baby

Not because I want to be pregnant again. Not because I want swollen ankles or no waist again. Not because I want bloody nipples or leaking boobs again. Not because I miss flipping one out every two hours or using that damn pump again. Not because I miss the pitter patter of little feet. Not because I never want to sleep through the night again

I’ve Decided To Have Another Baby2009-04-08T10:34:00-05:00

Truth in Dating

Image via Wikipedia As I sit here on the eve of Valentines Day, that be all and end all to hopeless romantics, I am watching romantic tear jerkers on TV. So far I have cried to the ending of Armageddon and now I am watching Love Actually. I will cry at the end of this movie when they show the last scene at Heathrow airport.

Truth in Dating2009-02-13T20:03:00-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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