
I keep seeing this meme on social media about holding people accountable. You know, making sure we keep track of those who are/were Trump officials or as this recent Forbes article explains - holding the liars accountable. I have no problem with holding people accountable. I'm all for it. I just want accountability for everyone, not just one side of the aisle. There is a


Live Blogging Inauguration Day

Today I'm going to be live blogging Inauguration Day. Today we will witness the peaceful transfer of power, a pretty amazing thing that you don't see in many western democracies. Knowing how divisive this election has been and how many rallies are planned, I suspect there might be a few blips, but I don't expect anything horrible to happen. In fact, in just watching a

Live Blogging Inauguration Day2017-01-20T08:15:35-06:00

Obama and the Special Olympics

Last night while chatting with fellow Humor Bloggers, Unfinished Rambler, Hussy Housewife, Humor Smith, Quirkyloon, Da Old Man and Dani, I turned on the Jay Leno show. The Humor Bloggers were picking out drapes or something. I asked if anyone was watching our President on the Jay Leno show and just about got kicked out of the chat room. Imagine my surprise, and the surprise

Obama and the Special Olympics2009-03-20T13:55:00-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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