Mommy Wars 2012: The Choices Women Make

Hillary Rosen made a statement this week that has fired up the mommy wars all over again. Rosen said that Ann Romney could not understand the struggles of women in the sluggish workforce because she "never worked a day in her life" as a stay-at-home mother. Before this week I'd never heard of Hillary Rosen and I am sure most of you hadn't either. Rosen was

Mommy Wars 2012: The Choices Women Make2012-04-13T11:11:58-05:00

Man Dies Trying to Commit Suicide

That headline would be a lot more funny if it weren't true. According to MSNBC a man waded into San Francisco Bay threatening to kill himself. He walked into the water until he was neck deep. Would be rescuers watched for nearly an hour until he died and then someone finally pulled him out of the water. The would be rescuers were firefighters

Man Dies Trying to Commit Suicide2011-06-01T10:02:08-05:00

Bloggers Have to Demand Their Full Value and Stop Giving Away their Writing For Free

Yesterday, AOL purchased The Huffington Post for $315,000,000., this was big news all over the internet. Apparently the deal was signed at the Super Bowl. I don't read the Huffington Post often because I don't care for the reporting or the petty tone of their articles and I especially don't like all the name calling going on in the comment sections. I understand

Bloggers Have to Demand Their Full Value and Stop Giving Away their Writing For Free2011-02-07T19:25:17-06:00

Who Pays for these Studies?

Bullying harms kids' mental health In identical twin study, targeted kids more likely to develop depression This was on the front page of MSNBC this morning. The article goes on to say that by studying twins, researchers have determined that kids who are bullied have more depression and anxiety. No shit, really? Was it necessary to perform a study on this? Of course kids who

Who Pays for these Studies?2020-07-10T20:26:40-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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