Already Over this Manequinning Thing

Have you heard about #mannequinning? Apparently it's the newest thing people do to annoy the other people (aside from talk politics on social media). #mannequinning is like planking except instead of working your abs you simply stop whatever you're doing and hold the pose. We called it playing Statue when we were kids. My understanding is you do this in a group and hold the

Already Over this Manequinning Thing2016-11-08T08:32:21-06:00

No Closure for the Wetterlings

While Jacob Wetterling's remains have been found, there will be no closure for the Wetterlings. Over the weekend news sites and social media have been filled with articles about Jacob Wetterling. Jacob Wetterling's remains were found this past weekend when the man who is suspected of abducting Jacob led authorities to his remains. I know better, but I looked at the comments. All of the comments

No Closure for the Wetterlings2016-09-06T15:43:25-05:00

Tulips? I don’t think so

Jonathan Yuhas, my local weatherman at Kare11, said this morning* that by the end of the week we could see some tulips poking through the ground. I don't think so. Temps aren't supposed to be higher than the lower 50s with most nights still reaching the 30s. It was 17 F this morning. I know a lot of you people in the rest of the

Tulips? I don’t think so2011-03-14T15:35:09-05:00

The Dentist

Image via Wikipedia It's not just me who is having a hard time coming up with stories. My local news station, KARE, reported on a Wisconsin man who was stopped in his car by police because he was changing clothes while driving. He had been to the state fair and was sweaty. He was given a warning. This is such a non story I can't

The Dentist2010-08-18T10:06:18-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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