Top Five Best Father’s Day Gifts…Ever.

Image via Wikipedia Last month I wrote a post about the worst Mother's Day gifts ever. I thought it only fair that I do the same thing with Father's Day but after talking to a few dads I realized I couldn't come up with five bad Father's Day gifts. It would seem that dads are happy with just about any gift you give them. They

Top Five Best Father’s Day Gifts…Ever.2010-06-16T08:46:31-05:00

I Lost a Whole Year!

Yesterday my daughter was talking about her birthday. She is already making a list for what she wants for her birthday this coming February. I don't know if she realizes that she is skipping right over Christmas of if she simply realizes that she won't possibly get everything on her Christmas list. Of course she still believes in Santa so she probably was just mentally

I Lost a Whole Year!2009-12-16T10:21:17-06:00

She Can’t Write But She Sure Can Txt

This is a quick post, which I am sure everyone will appreciate, because it is birthday week in my house and I'm being interviewed this evening. I'll tell you all about that in an upcoming post so look out for it. Tuesday was my son's birthday. Like all things I am unorganized with regard to birthday card and present. When I was a kid my

She Can’t Write But She Sure Can Txt2009-02-12T15:18:00-06:00

Tales of a Freelancing Whore

When I am not blogging or writing I am freelancing. I would much rather write all day but since these blogs of mine do not come close to paying the bills I am forced to actually work sometimes. I am using the term "freelance" broadly here. What I mean by freelance is that I will do any job you want me to within reason. I

Tales of a Freelancing Whore2009-01-26T08:06:00-06:00


Literally. Some irresponsible lazy ass jerk let his or her dog crap on my sidewalk and then didn't pick it up. Don't we have laws about this sort of thing? It's right before Christmas and someone is tempting fate. This person deserves a big stinking lump of crap in their stocking. I'm tempted to make a sign pointing to the excrement and telling them they


Election Tears of a 5 year old

This morning as I was getting ready to take my daughter to school I was watching the morning news. Daughter walked in and heard that they thought Obama would win the election. Daughter started crying. I asked her what was wrong and she said that Obama was going to win and she didn't want to give away her toys. I tried to calm her down

Election Tears of a 5 year old2008-11-04T14:59:00-06:00

My American Flag

I am the only one on my block with the American flag waving proudly. The first thing I do when I move into a new house is to put the flag out. The second thing is to plant a cherry tree. I would hang an American bald eagle over the doorway but I haven't found a suitable one yet. I get this habit from my

My American Flag2008-04-23T20:15:00-05:00

Two Teenagers Walk Into Walgreens…

I'm in Walgreen's picking up band aids and razor blades, ironically, when I hear two teenage girls talking in the seasonal aisle. They are looking at all the Easter candy and toys. The first girl says to the second girl. "This looks like so much fun, I have Easter envy." The second girl has this confused look on her face and says "What? Jews don't

Two Teenagers Walk Into Walgreens…2020-07-10T20:25:38-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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