Live Blogging Inauguration Day

Today I'm going to be live blogging Inauguration Day. Today we will witness the peaceful transfer of power, a pretty amazing thing that you don't see in many western democracies. Knowing how divisive this election has been and how many rallies are planned, I suspect there might be a few blips, but I don't expect anything horrible to happen. In fact, in just watching a

Live Blogging Inauguration Day2017-01-20T08:15:35-06:00

It’s the End of the World as We Know It

If you're like a good chunk of the US population, and probably a large percentage of the rest of the world, you probably think that come Friday, it's the end of the world as we know it. Or maybe it will be the end of the world? Who knows, maybe shortly after Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States,

It’s the End of the World as We Know It2017-01-18T12:30:25-06:00

Thanks Trump

Thanks Trump, you've turned my me time into a hellhole of arguments, frustration and irritation. I used to look forward to spending time socializing with my virtual friends on Facebook each night while I unwind with a glass of wine and the dog curled up by my side. As the days get shorter that time on Facebook was even more important. But you've ruined it

Thanks Trump2016-11-16T20:17:50-06:00

Not Everyone is a Racist

It's been one week since Donald Trump was elected as our next President of the United States. It's still pretty unbelievable. Even more unbelievable is that not everyone is a racist. I know, it's hard to believe, especially if you venture out into social media, but that's the truth. Not even half the population, the half that voted for Trump, is a racist. Ugh, I

Not Everyone is a Racist2016-11-15T19:57:15-06:00

How to Survive the Trumpocalypse

If you're like most of the American population you're wondering what the hell happened yesterday. You're also probably wondering how to survive the Trumpocalypse without losing your mind, dignity, friends, etc. You may or may not be wondering how the media and pundits got it so wrong. And if you're like many people you're busy pointing fingers and demanding that those who voted for him

How to Survive the Trumpocalypse2016-11-10T10:34:52-06:00

Post Election Pledge

Now that the Great Presidential Campaign of 2016 is over (even if we don't know the results yet) can we all make this post election pledge to get along with one another? Post Election Pledge: I promise to treat everyone with kindness, consideration and respect, no matter who they voted for this election. I will not hold it against them if they voted for someone other

Post Election Pledge2016-11-09T20:25:37-06:00

How to Prepare for the Post Election Apocalypse

It's almost here, the day we've been waiting for a couple of years now - the end of the election. But wait, before you get too excited, have you figured out how to prepare for the post election apocalypse? As bad as it is now with wall to wall coverage of emails and p*ssies, it's only going to get worse on Wednesday morning when we

How to Prepare for the Post Election Apocalypse2016-11-04T14:00:12-05:00

Donald Trump and Late Term Abortion

If you watched the final presidential debate last night, the one between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, then you know that Donald Trump and Late Term Abortion are terms that don't go together. In other words, Donald Trump has no freaking idea what is going on with regard to late term or third trimester abortion. Last night Donald Trump blathered on and on about how

Donald Trump and Late Term Abortion2016-10-20T16:51:05-05:00

OMG Stop Unfriending Each Other!!

For the love of Pete, stop unfriending each other!! Every five minutes someone is challenging their Facebook friends and followers to unfriend them if they hold a different opinion about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. "If you support that lying, misogynistic, groping dumbass - well just unfriend me now", or "If you think she actually supports women then you can just unfriend me right now,

OMG Stop Unfriending Each Other!!2022-01-09T18:53:18-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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