Pierced Ears Part 2

Last August I took my daughter to get her ears pierced.  Actually I took her several times to get her ears pierced because she kept wimping out. I documented the whole process here. She never had any problems with her ears, no infections, no irritations. She found a pair of puppy earrings and wore them everyday. She loved her grown-up look. Until Halloween. We were

Pierced Ears Part 22010-04-28T11:54:21-05:00

Pierced Ears

Last year, while some friends were visiting from out of town, my daughter and I tagged along while my friend's daughter got her ears pierced. I pierced mine to show her that it wasn't all that painful. I wrote about the experience and didn't think much more about it. Occasionally when my daughter and I were visiting the mall we would come by a Claire's

Pierced Ears2009-08-18T13:55:00-05:00

Midlife Crisis

Image via Wikipedia Hopefully my midlife crisis will be coming to an end soon. Last month I got two new tattoos and this month I pierced the cartilage on my ear. I was not planning on piercing my ear again. I already have 5 holes in my ear lobes so really didn't need anymore. I got the upper part of my ear pierced because I

Midlife Crisis2008-07-11T06:19:00-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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