Big Mac Hot Dish with Noodles

Earlier I posted a recipe for Big Mac Hot Dish, but because I was concerned about my use of Tater Tots in the recipe I also a Big Mac Hot Dish with Noodles using elbow noodles instead of the tots. Initially I did not want to use noodles, it just seemed like a weird combination of flavors - pickles, cheese, tomatoes - to have with

Big Mac Hot Dish with Noodles2018-01-27T20:26:07-06:00

Tater Tot Hot Dish with Mushroom Risotto

This recipe, Tater Tot Hot Dish with Mushroom Risotto, is a variation of the Authentic Minnesota Tater Tot Hot Dish. Like all great flukes it happened because I didn't read the recipe carefully and ended up with way too much liquid so I had to find a way to make it less soggy. I had a bag of Alessi Risotto with Mushrooms so I quickly

Tater Tot Hot Dish with Mushroom Risotto2017-01-10T04:24:18-06:00

Authentic Minnesota Tater Tot Hot Dish

Authentic Minnesota Tater Tot Hot Dish A few weeks ago a Buzzfeed quiz was making the rounds. It was clickbait titled: This Food Test Will Determine If You’re Actually From Minnesota. Being a Minnesotan, I clicked on it to see if I was actually from Minnesota. I scored a 12 out of 12, but being Minnesotan I'm not going to toot my horn about it. Minnesotans

Authentic Minnesota Tater Tot Hot Dish2024-08-07T13:57:06-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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