Take a Look at Yourself
Blogging can be very rewarding, and it can also take over your life. It’s a good idea to take a fresh look at what you’ve been doing with your blog, and ask if it is working out the way you’d like.
1. Is there anything I’ve been meaning to change about my blog that I keep putting off?
2. Have my goals evolved since I started this blog? Do I write down the steps it would take to achieve those goals?
3. Am I happy with the amount of time I spend blogging each week?
4. Are there certain types of posts that get more comments? What kind seem to bring a response from readers? Would it feel right to do more posts like that or would that feel fake?
5. Do readers think of me as a friend, entertainer or resource? Does that feel right for me?
6. Do I think I might get negative feedback if I make changes in the way I blog?
7. What am I doing to actively learn and use new techniques to get more traffic or be more efficient?
8. Am I willing to try new technology or do I tend to stay in my comfort zone?
9. What is most satisfying, energizing and motivating for me? Do I need to get a positive comment in order to feel good about my blog?
10. Am I stretching myself and writing guest posts for other sites? Am I working on a book that I can submit to publishers or turn into an ebook myself?
If there are aspects of your blog that you would like to change, you can start making those changes right away. Take your pick from all the help and advice that’s available, and you can start growing in the right direction.
About the author: Blog Rehab is written by Carol Zombo. You can connect with Carol on Twitter and Facebook, and subscribe to her Writing Tips Newsletter here.
Art source: Frida Kahlo photo from Biography.com.
Excellent questions. Nos. 3 and 10 are the two I struggle with most: I spend far too much time working on/for my blog which leaves me far too little time to complete the tweaks my agent has requested for the book proposal based on portions of my blog. It’s a catch 22 that’s making me nuts…and crabby.
(Clears throat) Lisa? Did you just say that you have an agent who is requesting that you tweak your book proposal? May I speak freely as a blog friend? GET TWEAKING, young lady! (I’m so tempted to call you Granny, but I won’t.)
I am so glad I happened upon your blog today and read this post! I know I need to change my things up on my blog, so these questions will help me not feel overwhelmed, thank you!
I am so glad I happened upon your blog today and read this post! I know I need to change my things up on my blog, so these questions will help me not feel overwhelmed, thank you!