Ultimate Gift Guide for the Last Minute Shoppers, the Clueless and What My Ex Husband Should Have Gotten Me Instead of the Iron

It's been a while since I did a gift guide, each year the holidays seem to creep up on me faster and faster and each year I am never prepared for them. Last year I had gotten fired from a position I held for 7 or 8 years without any warning or any cause (you can read about it here). Even though it was one

Ultimate Gift Guide for the Last Minute Shoppers, the Clueless and What My Ex Husband Should Have Gotten Me Instead of the Iron2019-12-12T15:59:49-06:00

Top Five Worst Mother’s Day Gifts EVER!!

Mother's Day is just around the corner so I thought it would helpful to all you people with moms if I gave a quick rundown of what not to get her for that day in honor of her. I'm not talking about macaroni necklaces or hand made cards, those are cherished gifts which moms always love. If you are giving her those things you aren't

Top Five Worst Mother’s Day Gifts EVER!!2014-05-07T09:44:31-05:00

Creating a Bestseller

I'm glad I didn't see this infographic on successful books before I started writing. It's nice to see the stats of what sells when it comes to books but I don't think a book should be written because it will sell. A book should be written because it needs to be written. The story needs to be told. If it's a good story the audience

Creating a Bestseller2012-10-22T16:28:41-05:00

Top Five Last Minute Christmas Gifts

When I was a kid* I would ask my parents what they wanted for Christmas and without fail they always told me they wanted the hardest thing to get them. My father would always say "I just want you to be good" and my mother would say "anything". Both answers sucked. At the time the easiest one of those gifts to give would

Top Five Last Minute Christmas Gifts2010-12-21T09:44:29-06:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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