Keaton and Ruby

This is Keaton (the boy's cat who is visiting) and Ruby (new puppy) who are fighting over one of Keaton's toys. Keaton arrived the day before Ruby did. When we got Ruby she was smaller than Keaton and Keaton had the advantage. Now she is twice the size of the cat and can easily tackle Keaton. For your viewing pleasure.

Keaton and Ruby2012-08-22T14:24:39-05:00

Writing is Hard

So how has your summer been going? I haven't been around much these past few months. Some of you may know I am writing a book, a memoir, about growing up in a pretty strange environment. If you've been reading my blog for a while, a long while since it seems I never update anymore and therefore you wouldn't have a clue what I am

Writing is Hard2012-07-30T13:50:35-05:00

RIP Nutmeg

Yes, it seems as if animals are dropping like flies this week at the Brown House. Monday we lost our beloved Reuben and yesterday we said goodbye to Nutmeg. For those of you who don't know who Nutmeg is (and you wouldn't because she died before I could introduce you to her) she was a guinea pig we adopted this past Sunday. We aren't really

RIP Nutmeg2011-06-23T17:23:29-05:00

RIP Reuben

14 years ago my ex husband (then boyfriend) and I were driving along a country road in Western Wisconsin when serendipity struck. We were in the right place at the right time and something wonderful happened. It was the middle of January, late afternoon, when we noticed two small animals on the side of the road. When we opened the car door to investigate, two

RIP Reuben2011-06-21T17:23:20-05:00

Smokey the Hamster

Smokey the HamsterYou might recall the bunny fiasco a while back. Fiasco probably isn't the right word because Jack was cute and really sweet but he pooped a lot. So much that I couldn't keep up with the poop. I also had a really had time leaving him in the cage all day. It just didn't seem right for one animal to be locked in

Smokey the Hamster2011-03-19T09:43:11-05:00

My Daughter is Going To Be a Crack Addict and it Will Be All My Fault

As a single mother I worry about my kids and how they are going to turn out because they don't have a dad around 24/7 to keep them on the straight and narrow. I can be a bit of a pushover at times and sometimes I let them do things that aren't always the best for them because it is just easier for me to

My Daughter is Going To Be a Crack Addict and it Will Be All My Fault2011-01-31T16:26:41-06:00

Death in the Family

And it's all my fault. I killed the hermit crabs. At least I think I did. It's hard to tell since they don't do anything. Hermit crabs aren't like the cat or the dog. If you forget to feed or water then they make noise, they drink out of the toilet, they throw their bowl around until someone notices and feeds them. I

Death in the Family2010-11-01T10:48:30-05:00

Rethinking Motherhood

Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's the humidity. Maybe it's just this. These are not my dishes. The sink was empty, I swear, five minutes ago when I unloaded the dishwasher. I don't know what it is but I have been rethinking this whole motherhood thing. When I got myself into this mess I really thought it was going to be a lot of fun,

Rethinking Motherhood2010-08-10T19:55:20-05:00

Fluffy Cat

As much of the country has, we have been getting rained on quite a bit. We've also had a fair amount of humidity. And it really sucks. Apparently it sucks much worse for my cat. That is not my cat but I, the woman who blogs about just about anything, didn't bother to take a picture. Let me explain. This past weekend it was tropical.

Fluffy Cat2010-07-20T16:12:52-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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