I Used 439 Words to Say “Fuck You”, and Now I’m Going to Use Even More

This post is going to live up to the blog title - you've been warned. I just used 439 words to say "fuck you", but in a nice way. I posted that little status update last night. I vague booked, though I am sure everyone knew I was talking about my ex husband. Many people praised me for being pedantic and asked what I said.

I Used 439 Words to Say “Fuck You”, and Now I’m Going to Use Even More2019-06-19T12:12:47-05:00

On Accusations and Lies

I have court today. My ex husband is taking me to court to reinstate his parental access that he terminated last year in court when the judge didn't rule in his favor. I won't bore you with all the details of my divorce for the last 15 years, but suffice to say my ex has not been a shining example of what a father should

On Accusations and Lies2018-09-20T19:03:29-05:00

When the Bough Breaks

Rock-a-bye baby, on the treetop, When the wind blows, the cradle will rock, When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, And down will come baby, cradle and all. Rock-a-bye baby, on the treetop Who the hell puts their baby, along with the cradle, in a fucking tree? They don't. It's a metaphor. For mother (or father, primary caregiver - just so I don't offend anyone reading this who isn't

When the Bough Breaks2018-01-11T13:49:07-06:00

Kim Kardashian Files For Divorce From What’s-His-Name After 72 Days

And I thought my marriages were short! Kim Kardashian has filed for divorce from her husband, whose name escapes me, after just 72 days. Not coincidentally, Kim Kardashian filed for divorce on the 30th anniversary of Harry Potter's parents death. I have no idea what either of those have to do with one another but thought it was interesting. Kim Kardashian doesn't have the shortest

Kim Kardashian Files For Divorce From What’s-His-Name After 72 Days2011-10-31T14:30:05-05:00

Minnesota’s Children of the Corn

Ex#2 and I took the daughter to the Shafer Corn Maze this weekend. It seemed like a fun, family outing when I suggested it and obviously the others agreed because they were game to go. Normally this time of year, I am gearing up to start complaining about the cold. Not this year. This year in Minnesota the weather has been so lovely I've completely

Minnesota’s Children of the Corn2011-10-11T20:37:27-05:00

How to Win at Slots

Image via Wikipedia A couple of weeks ago I left a comment on Babs' post about winning at bingo. I hadn't won at bingo because I don't play bingo but I had won a small fortune on the slot machines and left a brief synopsis of the story on Babs' blog. I hadn't though about that day in a long time. Partly because

How to Win at Slots2011-02-23T12:16:16-06:00

Donate Your Car To Help Kids

Not too long ago I wrote a post about the size of the box that was used to ship an item that was no bigger than a quarter. I mentioned that because I was a Republican I didn't get into the whole green movement, it was a tongue-in-cheek comment as you can see by reading the comments on that article. In the comments

Donate Your Car To Help Kids2011-02-09T12:15:26-06:00

The Worst Christmas Gift, Ever

It was our first Christmas as a married couple. Ex#1 and I had only been married for a couple of months when we celebrated our first holiday as husband and wife. To be truthful our marriage was already strained. My father had been diagnosed with lymphoma on our wedding day and I had been escorting him to chemotherapy several times a week and taking care

The Worst Christmas Gift, Ever2010-12-06T07:13:38-06:00

Abby Annette

Today would have been my daughter's 18th birthday.  Not the little one who keeps me on my toes, but my first born daughter, Abby Annette. I was going to write a post like this last year, but my son totaled my car four hours after getting his drivers license and I ended up posting about that. You can read it here if you want. Abby

Abby Annette2023-12-14T22:09:03-06:00

Ten Things I Hate About You

I was asked to write a guest post about the top ten things men do that drive women crazy. I came up with the standard ones, leaving the toilet seat up, farting, hands down their pants, that kind of thing, but I couldn't come up with ten and my post went horribly in the wrong direction. The post was rejected and I was given a

Ten Things I Hate About You2022-11-01T16:06:26-05:00

About Redhead Ranting

Redhead Ranting is the rantings of a frazzled, twice divorced mother of two who freelances and cares for two stupid dogs while writing her memoir against incredible and unbelievable odds (but will make a wonderful book one day).

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